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"OpenVariableWindow" Script

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:16 pm
by JustynR
It is very nice having the "Open XY" Scripts to be able to assign to buttons. The one I use the most is the "OpenMacroEditor".

I think that most of them are there, but I noticed yesterday that there isn't one for the Variables.

Silly I know, but now that it updates in real time, it is a really nice tool.

ALSO The ability to resize that window instead of just scroll would be great too, for when you have more than 11 variables (which happens all the time!)

Thank you very much,


Re: "OpenVariableWindow" Script

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:21 pm
by Markus Zeppenfeld
Hi Justyn,

we will have a look at the variable window as you are absolutely right that the amount of variables increases quickly as soon as you start to use one...
