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WD V4 Wishes...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:28 pm
by JustynR
I am loving this new WD so far!

A few things I could wish for though are:

The ability to take these new Timecode input nodes - PB Sequence Timecode and The Clip and Cue Remaining - and plug them directly into a Display or Label node without needing multiplication nodes in the middle. I see the PB TC Master as an option in that drop down menu, but it won't display anything over 9. It won't show 15:22:43:23 for example, this just shows up as 05:02:03:03 with a label. Maybe just a TC output node so we can use the existing TC display.

Also, the TC master doesn't show up in any Math or Script nodes - again, need multiplication and a sum node to get it into the IF or the Script node.

Another in the PB nodes - for the PB Device Parameter Input - an option to see Media and Mask - just the numbers. This way I can make a button to say "Turn on Frame Blend for the current file that is on Layer 2" for example.

Thank you for all the great tools!


Re: WD V4 Wishes...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:50 pm
by Martina Protze
Hi Justyn,
thanks for the suggestions! as always :)

obviously it does not make any sense to count only until 09. I have forwarded this "PB TC Master"-output bug. Hopefully it will be fixed fast
For the other part I am not sure. How should the format "hh:mm:ss:ff" with h,m,s,f being integers [0-9] fit into a math node?? or other node. The only thing I see is another additional thing you could choose from the drop down list and will give you the overall framecount. (I think this is what you mean with multiple nodes, don´t you?)

Just to be sure, you write," - an option to see Media and Mask - " do you mean Media and Mesh? So you would like to have the Media File Number and Media Folder Number, same applying to the Mesh ID´s?

Best regards

Re: WD V4 Wishes...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:57 pm
by JustynR
A frame count would be perfect for math nodes!

The PB TC Master to be output into the Timecode Display would be perfect.... one thing I didn't mention, is to possibly have the ability to have that Timecode Display able to count backwards as well for when we have "time remaining" assigned to it - the spaces or colons between hh:mm:ss:ff I think are necessary to keep it organized.

And yes, I meant the Mesh. So we can get feedback via a node as to what is on a layer currently.

Thank you!


Re: WD V4 Wishes...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:01 am
by Martina Protze
it´s all on the list

Re: WD V4 Wishes...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:25 am
by Markus Zeppenfeld
Hi Justyn,

as Martina already said, the assembled timecode is definitely having a bug with numbers over 9. This is not the way it is meant to be but will be fixed within the next versions.

As the single values for hour, minute,... are integers you can easily use them to calculate whatever you want, e.g. the total, absolute amount of frames. As the assembled timecode is using colons as a separator, this has to be a string as it is. Therefore you will not be able to use it within if or math nodes, as these only handle integer or double values.

If you want to get the Media-ID you can easily use the command "VGetDeviceMediaFolderID,..." or "VGetDeviceMediaFileID,..." respectively "VGetObject..."

Maybe this helps so far...