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VNC-Remote set Rev. and start VNC from manager

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:28 am
by merCUrium
Aaand another two ideas:
Since we have plenty of shows in various older Revs it would be nice to have the possibility to set the Rev which will be started via VNC-Remote similiar to the PB-Menu->Settings->PandorasBox dialog.

It would be nice if I can choose "Connect to VNC" from within the manager, which then possibly opens VNC-Remote and connects to the selected server.

Re: VNC-Remote set Rev. and start VNC from manager

PostPosted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:19 pm
by Daniel Kaminski

I like the ideas, and have put them on the Feature Wishlist.
As always no promise on when or if it will happen.
