
Suggestions and comments for Pandoras Box V5

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Postby matze » Sat May 23, 2015 9:25 am

what i want to have is in addition to pre-roll a post-roll to be able to decide individually when the clip is actually unloaded. in many cases e.g. when fast animations follows mostly in multiscreens with multiclips i want to be able to run thru a part fluid and to unload the clip afterwards. in fact unloading takes nearly the same perfomance than loading. also nessesary is some kind of graphical feedback of roll-times to avoid overlapping pre-, post-rolls or containers.
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Location: munich - germany

Re: post-roll

Postby Markus Zeppenfeld » Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:45 am

Hi Matze,

as a workaround, you maybe could extend the used container to the point you wanna unload the file.
Using the new feature to not loop a video while extending the container, you would not even load data from the disc in that time.

I totally agree, that it would help to have the pre-roll time "somehow" visible. Please note, that it is possible to already pre-roll content, while there is still other content loaded on the same layer...

Markus Zeppenfeld
Senior Product Manager, Pandoras Box

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" (from "The IT Crowd" / channel 4)
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Re: post-roll

Postby matze » Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:04 pm

what i've noticed a few weeks ago: if i set a pre-roll the container gets the same time for post-roll...thats not a good feature or it should be communicated.
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:34 pm
Location: munich - germany

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