UV Mapping

Warper & Mapping related questions

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UV Mapping

Postby abentley » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:39 pm

So I'm trying to do some 3D projection mapping in Pandora's Box Player Standard. I've gotten a 3D model of my object into .x format and the software is reading it just fine. My issue is that when I apply the object to my output, the camera angle of the object is wrong. It seems to be looking up at the object rather than looking down on it, and I can't seem to figure out how to adjust my camera angle after the output. How can I adjust this? This is literally the first time I have touched Pandora's box and I'm trying to give myself a crash corse in the software to have it up and running by Easter. :P Thanks in advance!
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Re: UV Mapping

Postby Markus Zeppenfeld » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:07 pm

Hi Abentley,

welcome to the coolux family!

You have to create your object at the exact same parameters as you have in real.
You have to know the distance of your object to the projector, the angle of the lense, and all this surrounding parameters. If you create your object like this, you have to do nothing inside Pandoras Box as these parameters are the exact picture of your real setup.

This is why it is sometimes easier to warp directly with the 3D authoring tool on the object.

Inside PB you can still edit a little bit with scaling or squeezing the object slightly, but if it does not fit to your environment there is no chance to bend it onto your object.

Hope this helps
Markus Zeppenfeld
Senior Product Manager, Pandoras Box

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" (from "The IT Crowd" / channel 4)
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