Pandoras Box 8.8.0

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Pandoras Box 8.8.0

Postby Thomas Mrozek » Fri Jul 14, 2023 9:55 am

Dear customer.

Please find Pandoras Box V8.8.0 ready to download. As there is not much change of the BETA version, please find same text and updated changelog.

This version introduces Workspaces - a fast and visual workflow for 2D environments. Workspaces can be defined as a resource and set up to match your project's screen configuration. It provides pixel-oriented visual layout editing with alignment and snapping features in a new Pandoras Box preview mode.

Opacity, alpha, and color parameters have change to 16bit values. While you can now change color picker mode easily from 8 to 16 bit with a button in the same control, alpha and opacity parameters will display %-values. Incoming remote value will be mapped to apply the relative value in the 16 bit environment and a new automation command has been added to directly send 16bit values to the changed parameters.

The issue with the medialooks logo Pandoras Box V8.7.0 has been fixed.

There are many more additions, changes and fixes in this version, please check the XL changelog below and find the download here: ... 10/file-21

This version does NOT support Windows 8/8.1 anymore. While we still recommend using Windows 10, tests on Windows 11 were succesful.

Version 8.8.0 (13.07.2023)

- Miscellaneous:
added: Workspace mode to easily position layers in a 2D-like environment.
added: Reveal in project tree works on multiselected resources as well.
added: Color picker values can be toggled between 8 and 16 bit.
added: The message that warns about missing audio devices contains the name of the respective site.
added: Option "reveal in project tree" is available for most resource types and parameters.
added: Resource cannot be dragged onto locked clip except for the media param line.
added: Multiple cues can be removed from the cue tab.
added: Option to select all sequence items from beginning to now pointer.
added: Copy and paste submeshes into other meshes.
added: Cue notes are visible in the cue mode of the time monitor tab.
added: Cues can be locked in cue tab.
added: Initial cue lock state can be set in configuration.
added: Site IP can be cleared and newly entered IP is kept independently of node availability.
added: Special icon for editable resources that are in edit mode.

changed: Values for opacity and alpha are shown as percentage in timeline context.
changed: Medialooks downgrade to Version 2.5.0 to improve stability and avoid license issue.
changed: Border of muted layer is only shown in preview when layer is selected.
changed: Default value of "add multiple devices" is two.

fixed: Correct image sequence fps if file is inconsistent on site. (ticket 9253)
fixed: The duration of the first image sequence in a playlist is calculated correctly. (ticket 9152)
fixed: Alpha is applied correctly to NotchLC files. (ticket 9156)
fixed: Controls in Cue inspector are displayed correctly on cue mode change. (ticket 9205)
fixed: Preroll time remains unaffected by change of sequence framerate. (ticket 8854)
fixed: Cue tooltip is restricted in length so long cue notes don't block the gui. (ticket 9185)
fixed: Undoing container movement on sequence does not affect preroll. (ticket 8849)
fixed: Unselected layers position does not affect movement of remaining layers in preview. (ticket 9175)
fixed: Inspector of Notch block scenes is displayed correctly. (ticket 8951)
fixed: Multiselection in device tree works correctly after project load. (ticket 9177)
fixed: Client gui shows correct status when client IP has been cleared on manager. (ticket 9126)
fixed: Preroll time input is formatted correctly when redundant value is entered. (ticket 8849)
fixed: SMPTE time send can be disabled using the checkbox in the config. (ticket 7851)
fixed: Playlist initial framerate is correctly taken from configuration. (ticket 8544)
fixed: Drag hint of multiselected containers always shows relative shift time, no matter which container was selected. (ticket 8978)
fixed: Frame synced content plays correctly when reentering fullscreen. (ticket 9073)
fixed: Camera frustum and bounding box are updated properly when camera is resetted in picking mode. (ticket 9155)
fixed: Newly added submeshes will adopt scale and vertex count from existing submeshes.
fixed: Initial start address values of patch tab don't change on mouse click. (ticket 9028)
fixed: "Auto id" always assigns the next available cue id. (ticket 7835)
fixed: State of cue countdown above project tree is updated upon sequence change. (ticket 8688)
fixed: Sequence is scrolled correctly if now pointer jumps to non-visible cue. (ticket 9111)
fixed: Locked clips cannot be deleted. (ticket 9117)
fixed: No crash when adding display adapter to output and entering fullscreen. (ticket 9130)
fixed: Parameters are displayed and updated properly in Configuration->Global->Client Display. (ticket 8687)
fixed: Selection of objects in device tree and preview is synchronized. (ticket 9228)

- MU:
fixed: Text assets are correctly identified and renamed in MU environment. (ticket 9219)
fixed: FFDs are visible on client output if submanager edits mesh. (ticket 5122)

- Automation:
added: Command AutoSetParamDouble16Bit to set 16 bit values.
Thomas Mrozek
Product Manager
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Thomas Mrozek
Posts: 143
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:08 am

Re: Pandoras Box 8.8.0

Postby Thomas Mrozek » Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:12 pm

Dear customer.

Please be informed that the change to 16bit values for opacity and color parameters also applies to the DMX patch. New created layers in version 8.8.0 will use 2 channels for these parameters. Due to customer feedback, we will revert this change in the next version and map these values internally from 8bit to 16bit. The decision was made in order to keep existing fixture libraries working. For console shows we recommend to stay on version 8.7 or previous until next release.

Regarding changing opacity and color parameters using 16-bit values, please note that incorrect default values are used after loading a showfile prior to version 8.8.0. New created projects will not encounter this issue. Please avoid updating old showfiles to version 8.8.0 and stay tuned for the next version.
Thomas Mrozek
Product Manager
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Thomas Mrozek
Posts: 143
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:08 am

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