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PB Menu 7.5.2 - PB Server Management 1.5.2

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:12 pm
by Thomas Mrozek
Dear Beta Tester.

I’m happy to announce the release of Christie PB Menu Version 7.5.2 along with Christie PB Server Management Version 1.5.2.

There is 1 more change on top of some bug fixing since the BETA release: We added a CSV export feature for the server management to be able to gather all data of your currently connected remote places running PB Menu.

Please find the full changelogs below. Here’s you link:
Christie PB Menu Version 7.5.2

Enjoy the updates, cheers,

## v7.5.2 (November 2023)

### PB Menu
- added DPI scaling to settings
- added 'Miscellaneous' menu
- added firewall rules to allow any PB Tools application for all network areas per default (ticket 7383)

- changed settings to be contained in what is now 'Miscellaneous' (ticket 7364)

- fixed PB and launched process having to low a priority- may have resulted in Audio issues in some usecases (ticket 7362)
- fixed PB cannot be set to Manager via Frontpanel-Display (ticket 7257)
- fixed changing IP-Address via Frontpanel-Display has no effect (ticket 7398)

- removed 'Encoding' button

### PB Server Management
- added remote uninstallation
- added DPI scaling display in devices list (ticket 7374)
- added firewall rules to allow any PB Tools application for all network areas per default (ticket 7383)
- added functionality to export a list of servers in the system as CSV file (ticket 6770)

- changed approach how to set Network Settings (ticket7348)

- fixed devices incorrectly showing as 'Offline' after a while (ticket 7372)
- fixed disappearing status labels on remote dialogues (ticket 7375)
- fixed 'Select Version' remotely not working correctly (ticket )
- fixed multiple instances of PB/WD trying to be started when initiated by Server Management (ticket7329)