Installing external codecs

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Installing external codecs

Postby zuza » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:00 pm

Hello. We use the PB6 Server and Manager at work. Customers come to us with very different video file formats, and they often end up simply playing the material. I know that they can be converted to the best format for PB, but most often there is no time for it. So I want to install Klite Codeck Pack Mega codecs. Has anyone done this before and could help me with it? What I would like to achieve is playback of as many different formats as possible. Could someone please help and check or uncheck the options on the screenshots that are or are not needed for maximum playback flexibility? I still lack knowledge on this subject, but for someone else it may not be such a big problem. Thank you and best regards.
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Re: Installing external codecs

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:08 pm


I am not able to recommend any setting, but please be aware that you are destabilizing the system by doing so.
Maybe having a automated ffmpeg transcoding folder might be a solution to your problem.
I have never set on up myself, but I have seen other people do it. It is essentially a watchfolder that converts very file you place in that folder into a certain file format and copies it to a new folder.

The other option is using V8. V8 supports several more codecs than V6.

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Re: Installing external codecs

Postby zuza » Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:35 pm

Hmm. Will I destabilize? Why? The man who was sent to us by the company that installed our system installed Klite Codecs himself on your Coolux media server. After all, in the manual we can read "Pandoras Box uses video codecs installed in Windows", am I wrong? I would like to install codecs on my laptop and then install Manager PB on it. Why would this destabilize the system? People install various codecs themselves, or from various programs they use. Can they coexist? I would appreciate an explanation, I really would. :)
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Re: Installing external codecs

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:47 pm


the problem with codec packs is, that several of those codecs are not developed for "professional" use or what I call multiplayback - meaning playing several videos at the same time using the same codec.
Normal videoplays only play 1 video at a time, but mediaservers play multiple videos at the same time.
Also if a codec has a problem and crashes, it will most likely also crash Pandoras Box. I have seen that more than once before.
That is why mpeg and some other codecs are forced to the codec that is delivered with pandoras box.

I hope this helps.

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