Session password

Christie Widget Designer Version 6 - Q&A

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Session password

Postby malkuth23 » Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:48 pm

I have a client asking for the ability to have a session password. Basically, they want to put in a password when they first log into WD, but then not have to enter it again for a long time or never. But, the widget will be on a busy network and they do not want anyone else accidentally doing anything with it.

Basically, enter a password when first logging in, but after that, no more passwords, but we can't eliminate password after logging in because other people might try to log in at any moment.

They have WD Unlimited.

Any ideas? Thanks!
Matthew Newman-Saul
Theatrical Concepts
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Re: Session password

Postby liamohanlon » Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:23 pm

I believe this could be achieved with NGINX configured as a reverse proxy and a password: ... ntication/ ... rse-proxy/

If you can install Docker on a machine on your network, this container is really easy to configure:
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