Qlab Control

Christie Widget Designer Version 6 - Q&A

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Qlab Control

Postby luxevents » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:20 am

Hello, I would like to control Qlab(on a Mac)show cues with WD and none of the protocols seem to be working here.I have tried OSC over UDP ans TCP as well as MIDI and have no results. I can see that Qlab is receiving OSC streams from Resolume when connected so is there anything I am missing here in WD? Target port and address is correct in both TCP and UDP but only TCP status is connected and UDP is started. I have tried sending MIDI over TouchOSCBridge but also with no result.

Any help would be appreciated.


WD v6.0.4, Win10
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:06 am

Re: Qlab Control

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Tue Oct 15, 2019 10:07 am

I have no QLab so I am a little bit guessing.
From what I read you need to create a UDP Connection to Port 53535
After that try

Code: Select all

Or use TCP on Port 53000


Code: Select all

Let me know if this works.
Please also consider updating WD to the latest Version. There have been a lot of bugfixes since 6.0.4

Daniel Kaminski
Pandoras Box Expert
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