Weather Data from OpenWeatherMAP

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Weather Data from OpenWeatherMAP

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Fri Dec 23, 2022 7:14 pm

If you need to get get current weather Data from for free

You only need to sign up for a free api key.

Code: Select all
var lat = "51.5942009"
var lon = "7.1368071"

// Your API-KEY
var appid = "your API Key here"
// Units: metric, imperial
var units = "metric"
// Output Language : de, en, fr ...
var lang = "de"
var url = ""

var msg = url
msg += "lat=" + lat
msg += "&lon=" + lon
msg += "&units=" + units
msg += "&lang=" + lang
msg += "&appid=" + appid

var responsestr = ""

var weather = responsestr.ToJson

var temp = weather.Get("main.temp")
var w_lst = weather.GetList("weather")
var j_desc = w_lst[0].ToJson
var desc = j_desc.GetString("description")

Label2.text = "Das Wetter in " + w.GetString("name") + " ist " + desc + " bei " + temp + "°C"
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Daniel Kaminski
Pandoras Box Expert
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Daniel Kaminski
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