CITP Thumbnail to Picture Box Issue

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CITP Thumbnail to Picture Box Issue

Postby bill » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:27 pm

I'm trying to apply a CITP thumbnail to a picture box using a custom script button. The script within my button is "

Code: Select all

I also noticed in the Debug Logger the following Error

Command 'WDPictureBoxApplyCITPThumbnail' exception: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\Christie\Widget Designer 6.0 Rev 6800\Data\Thumbnails\Downloads\10_1_11_135\1'.

I navigated to the above path (as close as I could) but the folder structure within "10_1_11_135" all starts with 001, 002, 003, ...
Also I have a media control widget correctly displaying the thumbnails, and I have checked to make sure that the connection between WD and the Manager is working.

Is this something I'm doing wrong? To test another function I used WDPictureBoxFile successfully but WDPictureBoxScreenshot(1) did not work.

I'm running WD 6800 on Windows 10 Pro. I am connecting to an offline manager setting up this configuration.

Thanks for the help!
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Re: CITP Thumbnail to Picture Box Issue

Postby Thomas Mrozek » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:59 am

Hi Bill,
this is actually a known issue. Please stay tuned for next updates.
Can you use the workaround with the "PictureBoxFile" Script until fix is implemented?
Thomas Mrozek
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Re: CITP Thumbnail to Picture Box Issue

Postby jmajic14 » Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:09 pm

Is this still a known issues as i'm trying to use this script in version 6.0.6 and having the same issue. And i'm not aware of the work around
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Re: CITP Thumbnail to Picture Box Issue

Postby Janina Baltaziewicz » Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:23 pm


Unfortunately, this bug still persists.
You can set up a workaround that requires a bit research and advanced scripting, using the command "WDPictureBoxFile":

- Search in your Windows Explorer for the folder in which the thumbnails are stored, the path is similar to this one: "C:\Program Files\Christie\Widget Designer 6.0.6\Data\Thumbnails\Downloads\192_168_1_2\001"
- The last folder will have the number of the folder ID set up for the thumbnails
- The file names of the thumbnails are generated automatically from the file and folder ID and the size of the original file: "folderID_fileID_width_height_duration(in frames)_framerate.bmp"
Example: "002_001_1920_1080_328_24.bmp"
- With this information you use the command "WDPictureBoxFile" and enter the file names manually
- The VGetAsset... commands provide the possibility to read out the file specific information if the the tumbnails' file names need to be read out automated

Janina Baltaziewicz
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