Executing scripts remotely with OSC

Christie Widget Designer Version 6 - Q&A

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Executing scripts remotely with OSC

Postby brun sweater » Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:06 pm

Hello all

Title really says it all. I just need to simply execute some custom scripts (projector control) using OSC commands from a MA3 console. Simply just; "go script x.y"

...I know that to trigger my MA3 console from e.g qLab I have to go somethinglike : /[prefix]/cmd "[command]" but Widget is not so intuitively accessible to me

In MA3 syntax is like SendOSC [id] */[OSCAddress],[OSCType],[Value]

If anybody would share their experience with Widget recieving OSC, I would be very gratefull :-)

Thx in advance and cheers
brun sweater
Posts: 30
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:19 am

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