Mdbus with Siemens Logo

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Mdbus with Siemens Logo

Postby stage-crew-eventtechnik » Tue May 30, 2023 10:52 am

has anyone tried to connect the widget designer with a siemens Logo over Modbus ? I would like to read Coils ( simple Digital Output) from the Logo in Widget designer. I had tried to set it up but found no Information about Data Type and right settings.
The Logo send the Output to Unit ID 255, Coil 3, Port 502. With other Modbus Tools i can read out the state of the output.

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Re: Mdbus with Siemens Logo

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Tue May 30, 2023 4:10 pm

Never worked with a siemens logo, but I did a lot of work with beckhoff Modbus Devices and WidgetDesigner

Modbus has different registers for types of inputs/outputs

digital outputs are normaly 0xxxx
digital inputs 1xxxx
analog outputs 3xxxx
analog inputs 4xxxx

Modbus Port is per default 502

Since I do know nearly nothing about Siemens Logo, can you explain Unit ID 255 and Coil 3?
How do you see the values in other Modbus Tools?

Feel free to contact me directly.

Daniel Kaminski
Pandoras Box Expert
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