Notch with Spout

Christie Pandoras Box Version 8 - Q&A
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Notch with Spout

Postby schoissi » Sat May 01, 2021 5:18 am

following workflow:
unreal engine 4.26.2 with OffWorldLive Spout Camera sender
Notch (that receives the spout texture and puts it on image plane 2d), exported as notch block
pandora v8.1 with notch layer

i see the spout texture in both obs (with spout plugin) and notch (inside Notch Builder),
however, when i export the notch block and load it in pandora,
i only get the blank, white image 2d plane,
no spout texture...

any clues?

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Re: Notch with Spout

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Sun May 09, 2021 8:06 pm

Hi Roman,
can you provide a simple sample Spout Notch block.
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Re: Notch with Spout

Postby Christian Hinxlage » Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:20 pm

Hi Roman,
were you able to find a solution or workaround for this?
If yes, could you let me know?
Christian Hinxlage
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