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Special LED remap

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:02 pm
by avcontrol

I've got a long LED screen, where I have to make a remap to the processor. Here is the project:

Pixel mapping.pdf

The second screen is easy, but on the first screen, I have to split the content. I could make this with 3 layers and adjust the position, but I have to make a PIP, which should be positioned anywhere on the screen (with x position from the WD fader). So I have to "keep" the original long content, I cant split it into several layers.
I adjusted the camera FOV to see all the left side, and I made a planar UV map, but in this case, the resolution got worst.
I guess I have to keep the original camera FOV, but I can't make a planar UV "input" from out of the camera.
I also can't make a patch, because the patch resolution should be the same as the output resolution.

I hope it's understandable :)

Is any solution to this problem?

Many thanks,

Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:23 pm
by Daniel Kaminski

I understand your Problem.
They way you do it right now is:
a) Set Camera 1 to the Size of the Area you need to "film" is this Case 8640x720. Also put the Aspect Ratio to the same resolution.
b) create a few Testpattern that will help you.
1 - whole Canvas 12480x1800
2 - Output 1 Mapped (3840x2160)
3 - Output 1 Unmapped (8640x720)

c) Create a Editable Mesh with 3 submeshes
* 01_yellow
* 02_red
* 03_pink
and set their Size and Tiling accordingly to the Areas (e.g.: Yellow 11x4 tiles, and 3520x720px Size)
than put the image Output Mapping Image on a Layer. Preview Output 2 and now set the Submeshes to the designated area.
than change to camera 1 and use the unmapped image to do the UV mapping. Here you need to set the size and position of each submesh UV. (First size than Position!)

Now you are done.

I have attached the project with the mapping and the testpattern and the mesh.

Let me know if it works.

We are planing on making this process much easier in one of the next releases.


Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:05 pm
by Daniel Kaminski

did my answer help? Were you successfull?


Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:06 am
by titocaicedo
Hi, Daniel I am working on very similar issue, i have a camera "seeing" an area that is bigger than my output and I need to remap it...

I saw the files you sent for this thread and I understand the solution creating the meshes to place them in the right output position, what Im having a difficult time with is the UV mapping on what the camera is "seeing", could you provide more help with this.



Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:48 pm
by Daniel Kaminski

I send you a PM.


Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:49 am
by frozenwaffles
Hi, I have opened up this remap project as I too am interested in learning this technique.
The mapping of output 1 seems to a bit messed up. Am i correct? Cameras seems fine :)
Remap - Cameras.png

Remap - Outputs.png

Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:40 am
by titocaicedo
I am writing this follow up on this thread as it is the only one I have found on the subject...

this follow up is intended as feedback from what we have experienced....

we are running a tour that requires the outputs to be remapped almost every show, we have set the show up in a way in which we don't need to touch any of our showflow, only the outputs... this thread was very helpful for us to figure out how to do this the easiest way. and that is how we have been doing it.

these are our observations:

When working with a camera that is bigger than our output we have noticed that working with the meshes is confusing as the values are set for the output size, and this values end up not matching the size of the UV map which should correspond to the camera....
what I mean is that for our use it would be crucial and very helpful to be able to enter all of this values numerically, matching the size of the camera for the UV mapping.

We've also encountered occasions in which we "loose" the preview while modifying these output mappings, sometimes when going full screen and coming back, this is really bothersome as the only solution we find sometimes is to close the software and reopen. Related to this we've noticed the output going weird while going into fullscreen while having the camera selected, we have decided to always select out output before going into fullscreen.

we've also had a showfile that got messed up after tweaking the outputs and saving those changes to the timeline, for some reason when we turned the sequence fader down the output opacity fader was also turned down making the output show a really ugly "grey" instead of black.

I dont know if this is the right place to post all of this but we feel it is all related to the output remapping.
we have been using versions 8.7.0 and 8.8.0 and it feels like the last error with the output going grey happened after the update to 8.8.0
Windows 11 / latest nvidia studio drivers.


Re: Special LED remap

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 9:16 am
by Daniel Kaminski
Hi Tito,

thanks for the feedback. This helps in making Pandoras Box better.
God to hear that these post actually help someone.
I will make sure the right people hear this feedback.
I can already tell you that LED remap and warper are being looked at for improvements, so this feedback helps a lot.
