V8 Hardware Recommendations and Processor Discussions

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V8 Hardware Recommendations and Processor Discussions

Postby frozenwaffles » Tue Oct 25, 2022 2:47 am

Hello peeps, so I have noticed that there is a trend in modern media servers (current ones) to go single processor. The latest PB Server R5 is even single processor.
Can anyone tell me why this is the case? Ive been a long-time owner and user of PB and it was always dual processor on servers!
Vertex is SP only! They even go to the trouble of saying DP is bad!
PIXERA is all SP.
disguise seems to be all SP?

Also does anyone have any suggestions or tips in relation to building your own machine?
I'm talking specific hardware suggestions.
This processor with this MB and this NVMe card with this RAID setup and controller. :)

Do you know if intel VROC for RAID is acceptable?
What is the best RAID card for NVMe M.2 drives?
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
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Re: V8 Hardware Recommendations and Processor Discussions

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:36 am

Hi Jeremy,

regarding SP or Dual Processors.
For a long time Dual Processors had the benefit of giving you double the amount of PCIe Lanes. Single Processors were very limited on thoses for a long time.
Today you can buy Processors with plenty PCIe lanes. This is important so that you can add all the needed Input and Soundcard Options you want and more imporant today add all the NVMe you need.

Downside was, the 2 Processors needed to talk to each other. That takes time and can get complicated in Multithreading.

Since Mediaservers today are running on the Bandwidth limit of what a Processor, RAM and the PCIe Bus can handle, reducing the overhead and possible conflicts of having a multiprocessor system helps.
Besides that, it saves money ;-) and a single modern CPUs can very easy handle the PCIe Lanes needed and the deliver the processing power.

Regarding specs:

It all depends on what you need and you are willing to spend.

CPU: Find a good mixture between max single core speed and amount of cores. You want a least 6-8 cores.

The rest I leave up to the community.

Daniel Kaminski
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Re: V8 Hardware Recommendations and Processor Discussions

Postby frozenwaffles » Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:56 am

Thankyou! Very helpful.
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
hp Z G4 with Windows 10 1809 LTSC (NVidia P5000) - Running V8.9.1
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