V8.7 notch content crashing GFX card output

Christie Pandoras Box Version 8 - Q&A
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V8.7 notch content crashing GFX card output

Postby frozenwaffles » Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:34 am

Hi, i have a situation where Notch LC content is causing an out output of a P5000 graphics card to 'crash' and loose sync momentarily (enough so that the projector thinks it has no signal).
The video file will playback in a strange way and blackout. When it blacks out is when we loose sync.
I will film this and show whats hapneing. i have only seen this since version 8.7.0.
Has anyone else seen this bahviour before?
If we encode the exact same file from Premiere as MPEG2 all is fine :)
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
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Re: V8.7 notch content crashing GFX card output

Postby Dave Thompson » Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:24 pm

Hello Jeremy,

Please send us the logs and the file to Support and we will look into it here.
I have not heard of any issues with Notch LC.

Please add a description of your signal path.

Many thanks,
"Chairman Wow!"
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Dave Thompson
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