Discord server “unofficial”

Christie Pandoras Box Version 8 - Q&A
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Discord server “unofficial”

Postby filmshemp » Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:56 am

I set up a discord server to discuss PB and WD. Here is a link if you’d like to join….

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Re: Discord server “unofficial”

Postby frozenwaffles » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:25 pm

Hello, thanks for doing this. I do understand that people like discord.... but why are we doing this?
If everyone wants discord, then we need Christie to endorse this and make it official, otherwise we just end up with fragmentation of information and knowledge resources.
Does everyone want to transition to discord?
Does the Christie team want or mind you doing this?
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
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Re: Discord server “unofficial”

Postby filmshemp » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:32 pm

As the Facebook group, and Facebook itself, continues to lose younger users, discord continued to come up as the preferred “forum” discussion method.
I do work for Chrisite/Pandroas Box, and this discord will likely become official once it is approved from above. It’s unofficial now because I got tired of waiting for it to happen.
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Re: Discord server “unofficial”

Postby frozenwaffles » Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:37 am

Sweet, sounds good to me. Its just important to remember how much valuable information is here.
Everyone loves to try something new, but ultimately, we end up coming back to the good 'ol online forum.
Keen to see how discord goes....
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
hp Z G4 with Windows 10 1809 LTSC (NVidia P5000) - Running V8.9.1
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