8.9.1 - Strange Behaviour with Wheel on Jog Shuttle Board

Christie Pandoras Box Version 8 - Q&A
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8.9.1 - Strange Behaviour with Wheel on Jog Shuttle Board

Postby frozenwaffles » Sun May 26, 2024 12:49 pm

Hi peeps, so i have rolled up to 8.9.1 from 8.8.x and have some crazy lag/delay on the job wheel.
You scroll single frames with the middle wheel, and it keeps rolling past where you thought you were stopping.
With the ring its significantly worse.
Any ideas?
I will post a video tomorrow and send to support. Just seeing if anyone else has issues...
Currently its basically unusable.
Old version = works fine.
Jeremy Koch
Sydney, Australia
Innovative Production Services - http://www.innovative.net.au
hp Z G4 with Windows 10 1809 LTSC (NVidia P5000) - Running V8.9.1
Manager on Dual Processor Server Hardware - Running V8.9.1
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