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questions regarding asigning Layers to Sequence

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:20 am
I have questions regarding the new function to asign layers to sequences. (which is a great function!).

First: I deactivated my camera-layer for a sequence, because I wanted it in another sequence, but forgot to mark the other sequence. Now the camera-layer has disappeared completly, but still exists (Can see it in the preview). How do I get it back?

Second: If I take a Layer out of a sequence to use it in another secuence, it will appear in the new sequence as an empty layer.
If there is already built content on the layer, how do I get the layer with the content/containers into the new sequence? Can I also get Cues from one Sequence into another?


Re: questions regarding asigning Layers to Sequence

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:21 am
by Daniel Kaminski
HI René,

great questions:

Assigning a Layer to a Seq only reflects the visibility of a layer not the existence of the Layer.

Having said this.
You have access to all layers by turning the filter icon On / Off, You find it under the timecode of the sequence. (see screenshot)

To get content from one Sequence to another you have to copy it.
You can do so by selecting everything you want to copy (including cues if you like) and the press CRTL-C change the seq and press CRTL-V.

To select Content and Cues in one step you have to push the ALT Key while selecting.

I hope this helps and answers you question. If not feel free to ask again.


Re: questions regarding asigning Layers to Sequence

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:42 pm
Perfect. That answers my questions. Thank you