questions regarding asigning Layers to Sequence

I have questions regarding the new function to asign layers to sequences. (which is a great function!).
First: I deactivated my camera-layer for a sequence, because I wanted it in another sequence, but forgot to mark the other sequence. Now the camera-layer has disappeared completly, but still exists (Can see it in the preview). How do I get it back?
Second: If I take a Layer out of a sequence to use it in another secuence, it will appear in the new sequence as an empty layer.
If there is already built content on the layer, how do I get the layer with the content/containers into the new sequence? Can I also get Cues from one Sequence into another?
First: I deactivated my camera-layer for a sequence, because I wanted it in another sequence, but forgot to mark the other sequence. Now the camera-layer has disappeared completly, but still exists (Can see it in the preview). How do I get it back?
Second: If I take a Layer out of a sequence to use it in another secuence, it will appear in the new sequence as an empty layer.
If there is already built content on the layer, how do I get the layer with the content/containers into the new sequence? Can I also get Cues from one Sequence into another?