key and fill output

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key and fill output

Postby schoissi » Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:21 am

it would be great to have a key and fill fx, that one can assign to outputs.
with full support of alpha in the 3d space.
dual output, one is key, the other fill.
i believe sync of the outputs might be an issue?
even if the gpu is genlocked, since the output is (quadro rtx4000) displayport,
one would need a genlocked displayport to sdi device.
(maybe utilizing datapath fx4 sdi with genlock?)

this scenario would come in very handy to integrate pandora into "traditional" existing broadcast workflows,
where the switcher (for example ross carbonite) is the main interface,
and everyting else feeding into it.

it may also be interesting if pandora would be able to utilize dedicated sdi pcie cards,
for example bmd decklink duo2 quad sdi,
where one can set pairs of the sdi connector to be key/fill,
and would also solve the sync issue.

especially now with the integration of notch,
to produce incredible 3d scenes, realtime animations, etc...
it would be a big extension of pandoras box capabilities in another market.

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Re: key and fill output

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:29 pm

Hi Roman,

I am using Key and Fill for years in Pandoras Box.
You can set the Alpha of the Camera to 0 and add a WB Mask FX to the Output.

This will generate you a real Key Signal on that Output.

Having the 2 Outputs in Sync is also possible by creating a Mosaik Display in NVIDIA.
Now thoses Outputs are in sync with each other. you will need to framelock them to your Videomixer, but most Videomixers have Framelocks for all unlocked signals in their inputs these days
We did this a lot with different Videomixers or E2 and Spyder.

Generating SDI directly using a PCIe Outputcard is a great Idea and on the Feature wishlist.

Let me know if you have trouble with key and fill.

Daniel Kaminski
Pandoras Box Expert
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Re: key and fill output

Postby schoissi » Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:15 am

i am speechless...

and thank you :-)

that's the reason why pandora is one of the best mediaserver systems!

Posts: 95
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