encoder extention

Christie Pandoras Box Version 5

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encoder extention

Postby oled » Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:14 am

Hi guys,

I am having some issues with my encoder extention.

I have been using version 10386 since it was released, I have two player pros and a standard manager. I dont use my machines much but they are usually pretty good when i do.

Today after setting up my machines, I was building a timeline and needed to use a .mov, this would usually encoded automatically but it failed.

I quit and reopened the encoder extention and it failed again.

Quit PB and re opened, failed.

Opened old saved show, failed

updated all machines to 13378 - failed

Usually it works no problem, it fails almost instantly at the moment.

Iv tried different format content from different drives under different directories no good. any help would be great!!

Also after some advise. Im a bit of a noob so still do some stuff backwards, I want help with content directory setup.

I keep all my content on an external hard drive generally (e:)
I have always just dragged straight from my hard drive into my workflow, it then spreads across my machines. I have had a couple situations where content looses its path and become inconsistent, I believe it because its on (e:) on my manager then is transferred to (c:) on my players. how do I change directories on my players, my players have second hardrives (d:) i tried changing these to e hoping every thing would be organised but still no luck, any advice here would be much appreciated as well.
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Re: encoder extention

Postby JustynR » Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:12 am


The first thing that you should definitely do is stop dragging things into your show from an external drive!

You should always copy it to your Manager's C drive!!
When Pandoras Box installs, it creates a directory at C:\Coolux\Projects\

If you create a show in there, called "Test" it will automatically create a folder inside of that called "Assets". THIS is where you should put all of your content!

Now... upgrading and downgrading Pandoras Box versions and show save versions will not really do you any good as far as the Encoder is concerned in this case.
It sounds like your problem is your codec.

Please make sure that you have the latest version of Quicktime installed.
This may help you.... It may not...

Apple has recently stopped supporting PCs when it comes to Quicktime.
If your content creator has used a Mac to encode this video, and has used a version of the coded that was created after the support stopped, the Quicktime update may not work.

In that case, you might have to install another codec package - which is not preferred!

Try updating Quicktime... if that doesn't work... perhaps someone else has another idea.

I hope this helps,
Justyn Roy
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Re: encoder extention

Postby malkuth23 » Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:24 am

Yeah. It is almost definitely a codec issue... Or corrupted file.

You need to find out what codec is in the MOV (MOV is not a codec, it is a container).

Update Quicktime is the right first step... But it could be something weird and obscure in there. VLC will usually inform you of the codec. Otherwise you might have to really dig into it.

On another note - the encoder really needs better controls. A user defined output folder and HAP support would be a good start. I would also like to be able to drop folders in and autospread encoded content.

Also... Use c:\coolux\content\projects. This way pathing is correct for servers that have been partitioned.
Matthew Newman-Saul
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Re: encoder extention

Postby oled » Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:04 pm

thanks for the tips guys, I will try them this weekend. Its weird because its old content I have used before and wasn't working before I tried any uodates, QT will be well old so fingers crossed thats it.
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