We're having problems with outputting Artnet lighting data from a matrix patch.
We have a Player Standard (Multi licence) with a Manager LT both on version 5.10.
We have a standard 192.168.0.x network connecting the two machines together. The Manager machine has a second network adapter set to 2.10.39.x for Artnet. The Artnet network is connected to a DMXKing eDMX converter and a computer running Artnet status monitoring. The eDMX converter is connected with DMX to a 3ch RGB light addressed to universe 1 address 1.
We have Artnet output from PB working: if we add a 3ch RGB light to the project (it appears on an untitled site at the bottom of the tree) and patch it to the address above, we have control of the fixture as expected and the values are reflected on the status monitor.
However if we create a matrix patch including a pixel addressed to the same 3ch RGB fixture (secondary ethernet output, universe 1 address 1) and apply this matrix patch to the output of the PB Player STD, the light does not respond and no Artnet data is seen on the status monitor.
I'm sure we have missed a setting or configuration option somewhere but we are lost as to what that is. It can't be a physical networking or general network configuration error as the standard Artnet output from PB works.
Thanks in advance!