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31 Decembre countdown

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:52 pm
by alverman
I'm trying to do a countdown to December 31.
My intention would be to display the countdown in full but only when there are 30 seconds to show 30 29 28 27 etc and when you get to 0 to dump the current time.
You would have some advice for the realization?

Thank you, Alberto

Re: 31 Decembre countdown

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:40 pm
by JustynR
Not quite sure what you mean by 30 seconds show ""...
But here is an example of what I took from your post...

It will start counting up from midnight on January 1st - it will give you the time because that is 00:00:00


Will this work for you?

There are some labels that should be pretty clear of what you need to change to accomplish different goals & a "Test" button that sets the timer to count down 10 from seconds from "Now".
The counter will reset to count down to New Years for NEXT YEAR.
So if this new years has past... just hit the button labeled "Test / Reset to this coming new years" and it will reset to the closest new years.... It should work forever... can't really test at the moment.

Let me know how / if it works!


Re: 31 Decembre countdown

PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:24 am
by alverman
Thanks Justyn ....... is perfect !

Thank you for making available your work

And then ............ Happy New Year :)
