PB Canvas - Mouse Draw to Canvas issue

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PB Canvas - Mouse Draw to Canvas issue

Postby cjd360 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 5:56 pm

Hello Pandora People!

Looking for some help with a node issue.

In WD, we are using the interaction/Draw to canvas node. Works great once we connect it and we can draw around and do all kinds of fun stuff. The issue that comes up is that if we move down the timeline in the manger and OFF the container that has the canvas layer, the drawing does not automatically work when we try to draw again. The only way to “re activate” it is to open the draw to canvas node properties and hit apply again.

I have tried making buttons that adjust the node parameters to try and just trigger whatever is happening when we hit “apply” but have not been able to get it to work.

I do not need to store any of the draw data, it only needs to be able to be drawn on after we leave and come back to this cue in the timeline.

Hoping someone has some advice or a way to solve. This is critical to an upcoming project!
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Re: PB Canvas - Mouse Draw to Canvas issue

Postby Yvonne Groetzschel » Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:33 am


unfortunately I can't reproduce your issue. I tested it with the "Layer UV Draw to Canvas" and "Mouse Draw to Canvas" Node in WD Rev 1100.
It works well if I move down the timeline and Off the container that has the canvas layer. Can you send your project files to support(at)coolux.de?

Best regards,
Yvonne Groetzschel
Posts: 65
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Re: PB Canvas - Mouse Draw to Canvas issue

Postby cjd360 » Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:59 pm


Thanks for the reply. It appears that the new WD release has fixed the issue and it appears we will be good to move forward.

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Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:46 pm

Re: PB Canvas - Mouse Draw to Canvas issue

Postby Markus Zeppenfeld » Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:25 am

Hi cjd360,

good to hear that the issue has been solved as well for you.
We could isolate the issue which cut off connection as well during full screen toggling.
Furthermore there had been an issue when working with multiple canvases at a time. Therefore we have integrated these fixes:

-Draw Mouse To Canvas Fullscreen change fixed
-UV Mouse Layer top canvas Mouse Up fixed

Thanks for the feedback, that all is well on your side now.

Markus Zeppenfeld
Senior Product Manager, Pandoras Box

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" (from "The IT Crowd" / channel 4)
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