TCP Status Node issue

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TCP Status Node issue

Postby chrisr » Tue Mar 01, 2016 11:21 pm

Hello all,
I am having a bit of a struggle with an Input TCP Status Node. The current configuration is it's looking at the #1 TCP connection. When it sees an active connection: Node Output, Message: Connected
BUT! Sometimes it says, Message: Client connected.

My problem is that it alternates between these two messages. Now any "if" statement scripting I have will only work with one of the statements. If the other statement comes up, then everything is false. This is not a huge issue. I'd just like to know what I am doing wrong. The connection manager says Connected under the status column. I really am not sure where the "Client connected." message is getting generated.

Thanks for any input!

Thank You

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Re: TCP Status Node issue

Postby Thomas Mrozek » Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:53 pm

Hi chrisr,
the 'TCP Connection Status' Nodes includes the 'Status Message', you will find it directly below your TCP Connections in Connection Manager. If status changes a new message will be created. If your node is online and the client connects you will get 'Client connected' message, if you go into the node (or apply its dialog) while client is connected you will get the message 'connected'.
As workaround you can use the 'IF OR' method:
IF node = connected OR node = client connected

Or you can use text nodes to filter the message for keywords you need.
Thomas Mrozek
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