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TUIO Touch Output on Port 3333

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:39 pm
by chrisr
Hello all,
I am trying to send TUIO touch / point information from widget designer. Here is where I currently am. I have enabled TUIO in the connection manager, from IP (widget designer computer) on port 3333. I assume that the TUIO enable sends out via UDP on I have opened Camera Tracker and under Touch Output Processing, I have enabled TUIO Output. I am running the camera in B/W and have it set for a single point. I can move my hand around, and it puts an identifier of 1 on my hand. At this point, I would assume that I should start seeing TUIO data being streamed out on port 3333. But Wireshark sees nothing getting sent out. I have tested wireshark with a packet tester.

Also, I have Multi Touch Panel open within widget designer, I see a selection for TUIO input, but not anything to output the touch interaction.

Am I covering all my bases? Or am I missing something.

Just for testing purposes, I have created a UDP Connection as ID 1, for port 3333, and can successfully send UDPSend,1,Do something cool via the network, and wireshark sees this transmission on several different computers.

I Have been to and read through some documentation, a basic TUIO network bundle might look like this when transmitting data for a two dementional cursor profile from what I've read:

/tuio/2Dcur source application@address
/tuio/2Dcur alive s_id0 ... s_idN
/tuio/2Dcur set s_id x_pos y_pos x_vel y_vel m_accel
/tuio/2Dcur fseq f_id

Thanks for your insight on any of this, And Thanks in advance for the help!!

Have a great week everyone.

Re: TUIO Touch Output on Port 3333

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:48 pm
by JustynR
I just tested it out on 2 WDs on Wifi...

Change your transmitter IP address to the IP of your receiver - NOT

As soon as I did this, it started working.

Let me know if this helps!

Re: TUIO Touch Output on Port 3333

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:58 pm
by chrisr
I used this worked. Got it going this morning.

Thank you very much! Also Pari shot me an email with a check list to make sure I had everything set correctly.


Re: TUIO Touch Output on Port 3333

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:58 pm
by chrisr
Here was the checklist. Thanks Pari for your support.

1) To output the values via TUIO we should use a tool which allows to output TUIO.
--> e.g. the Camera Tracker tool
2) The "TUIO OUTPUT" checkbox under Camera Tracker tool / Touch output processing should be ticked.

3) Now you need to enter the correct IP address of the reciever device under the Connection Manager Tool / TUIO Transmitter --> Apply and Enable
In my case I used another WD to recieve the data.
In the reciever WD I enabled the TUIO RECIEVER with the same Port like the TUIO Transmitter Port and I created the tuio input node to see if I can recieve the data.

4) The TUIO protocol uses UDP transport you can also check it in the Wireshark.