Using Blender to create 3D Objects for Pandoras Box

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Using Blender to create 3D Objects for Pandoras Box

Postby Dennis Kuypers » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:24 pm

This is a quick guide that gives you the basic information you need to create and export objects to use with Pandoras Box.

3D Object Introduction
Every 3D model consists of points (named "vertices" / singular: "vertex") that are located in a threedimensional space. The vertecies have three coordinates: X,Y and Z. The origin of the virtual world where they are located in is at x=0,y=0 and z=0, or in short (X/Y/Z) => (0/0/0).
In Pandoras Box the following directions apply: positive X values: offset to the right , positive Y values: offset up , positive Z values: offset to the back
This is the so called left-hand orientation. You can easily remember the directions of the third axis by pointing your left hand's thumb towards right (X axis) and your index finger to the top (Y axis). Now your middle finger points into the correct direction. In Blender, however the Y and Z axis are swapped (= right-hand orientation). You will need to take care of that when exporting the objects for Pandoras Box.

Now that you know how verticies are located in a room, lets make them form a object. For a cube we need 8 vertices/corners (see image: the blue dots)

The connections between two vertices are called "edges" (the orange lines), just like in geometry class.

Also three or more edges can form a "face" (the grey squares)

These faces can later on be assigned to display parts of the media (-> "UV-mapping").

Creating objects in Blender
I suggest the following tutorials for Blender to get started with the application itself:

Required steps prior exporting
If you are done with your object and are ready to export your object then go into Object Mode and press CTRL+A. Then select "Rotation & Scale". This will apply all your rotation and scaling. It might also be required to apply "Location". Now you can export either as .x or .3ds

Exporting from Blender to Pandoras Box
To export directly to Pandoras Box simply choose "File->Export->Direct X (.x)". You might have to activate the plugin first (see image):

Exporting from Blender to Pandoras Box Warper
To export to the warper, use the .3ds format "File->Export->3DStudio (.3ds)". Refer to the following image for the correct export settings:

Best Regards
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Dennis Kuypers
(former Product Developer, Software)
Dennis Kuypers
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Re: Using Blender to create 3D Objects for Pandoras Box

Postby malkuth23 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:45 am

Thanks Dennis!

This is great.

Out of curiosity, do you know if the blender units are the same as Gmax?
I mean - how would you set up Blender to be used instead of Warper to be accurately imported into Pandora and correctly projection map, without having to play with PB's camera settings?
Matthew Newman-Saul
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Re: Using Blender to create 3D Objects for Pandoras Box

Postby Dennis Kuypers » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:34 am

Hi Matt,

Generic Units in Pandoras Box are the same as the "none" unit setting in Blender. As this is the default unit, you usually don't have to worry about that.
Although if you like to look at your objects from the default camera setting in Pandoras Box, you need to set up the camera at the same position as the camera in Pandoras Box. In addition to that, you have to change the "Field Of View" (or short FOV).


In the previous screenshot you see the plane from the view of the camera, here is a side shot to see the location of both camera and plane

Best Regards
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Dennis Kuypers
(former Product Developer, Software)
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