Hi everyone,
Good to see that this started the conversation I wanted to see. Many nice ideas and in overall a feedback which shows that the current structure does not apply to everyone needs. And it also brings up a couple of issues to a lot of people.
But let me first answer Dennis questions and then I will add a few comments and ideas.
You are not killing the device structure and you are also not abandoning the devices/layers at all. You are just restructuring them to something that is practically a supercharged virtual site. What is your opinion on having multiple of those "local devices" for example if you have two different rooms controlled from one manager. Then it would be more complicated to separate them by routing instead of just having two "local devices".
Maybe I'm not killing the decice structure, but I would like to see the strict connection between layers, cameras and outputs to be killed. Right know with the option to add new cameras the structure is half way killed anyway. But the fact that a layer is always connected to a certain output is limiting the felxibility if you work with multiple machines. If you only have one client the whole thing works quite good, but as soon as you add more clients or change the client licences you can be screeded up very easy. As a lot of people mentioned the main issue is that you might get a different licencse setup between programming and the show. Or you do need ro programm a show before you even know the final license.
I do not agree that routing will get more complicated. All your layers live in 3D world (or half 3D world on players) in your working canvas (or whatever nice name you find) the camera determines which part of that layer is send to the output and the output adjusts the camera image to the needed setup (keystone, SE eg) So far this is actually how PB works right now, but with the downside that Layer 1 on Client 1 cannot be seen from Camera 1 on Client 2, which in my opinion does not make much sense. And the Layer 1 is also connecte to the license of Client 1. So call it Supercharged Virtual Site or whatever.
Think of a Advanced Training and the way how complicated it is to explain how Layer, Camera and output work together. Now add a second decice to the explanation and make the people understand why the content which you like to see on all 4 outputs need to be on Layer 1 on client 1 and on layer 1 on client 2. It would be much easier to explain the the content lives on Layer 1 and that you position the cameras on Layer 1 to determine which output shows the content.
That is what a virtual site should allow you to do. I commented in my previous post on why a "magic" feature that allows inter-site-sharing would be a bad idea. (Hiding what is going on, etc.)
How do you build a virtual site out of Players and Servers? At least now you cann combine dual and quad into one virtual site, but no way to combine different devices together. And here again we need the device structure to be killed.
The number of layers is currently an integral part of the different licenses. This allows you to get a cheaper license with less video layers. Graphic layers on the other hand are "free".
I don't see a problem there, its more like you have added benefit from the separation of Video and Graphic layers, why do you want to get rid of this? Can you elaborate on what exactly the problem is? On a Server Pro you can use the unlimited video layers, then you don't have to use the graphic layers.
Just to simplify things. Projects with a lot of layers, and it is not unusuyl to end up with about a hundred layers, can get very confusing. And it is also adding a unneeded limitation. Why can't a layer be a layer?
I do agree with the fact that this would screw up the licencse model, but in my eyes this is anyway way to complicated to undertsand. I just spend half a day to explain this structure to a video planing guid to be able to spec what is needed for his show. Most of the people anyway work with players already as you only need server features on 5% of the shows.
If the structures needs to stay you can also work out the layer count idea Matt brought up. That would also work very nice.
If you don't know what kind of system you'll have, how do you determine which features you can use?
As I said before, 95% of the shows can be done with Player features. I don't know how often other use certain features, but this is what I need (just looking at the difference between Players and Servers):
- color adjust FX (and I think I did ask for a real color adjustment FX already / please look at Lightroom and make all these settings possible in one FX)
- share layer texture (really one of the reasons to use a Server, so most of the time I work around that)
- Text Engine
To be honest, I havent touched particle fx, render history fx or anything like that since I left Coolux.
We are always happy to take suggestions for different formulation of our error messages. They tend to be technical, because programmers write them.
I is not the wording which bothers me, it is the fact that this message comes up so often.
Justyn already pointed out the issue when you swap manager licences and the inconsistent local node. This is anoying like hell and I would actually point this out as a bug. Why is the local node different from manager to manager license?
Everytime I preprogramm a show on an offline manager I need to rebuild the structure on the local node. And if you are running several audio tracks on the manager, which I do in 90% of my setups this takes ages. Du to this I actually moved over to use a Player just for audio playback. This computer just sits next to the manager and drives an audio card. But it is quite hard to explain you client why he needs to spend money for that.
I understand the issue there, do you have any suggestions on how we could solve this in the current Pandoras Box system?
Here are my ideas:
Clone device / change license:
more or less the same thing like copy paste fx structure, but copy paste a decice with all its settings. Imagine you did run a show on a Quad Broadcast Pro and everything is programmed with quite a complex sub camera setup to be able to color correct seperate pieces of the content due to different LED screens. So there are about 30 Layers and 10 Cameras. Each Layer has a different setting regarding where it is rendered and who the routing is. Now you do the same show half a year later but this time there is a Quad Pro instead of the Broadcast Pro. This causes to rebuild the whole structure including routing, FX, Cameras and Croppings. Took me about 2 hours.......
Now you add antoher Quad Server Pro which should to the exact same thing the like the first one. Just because the added another set of LED walls. No chance to clone the first device, you need to rebuild the structure again.
If you like I can provide the showfile for this setup or invite to the TV studio, next show is confirmed in March
Development wise it cant be that hard to offer a copy or clone device. Just setu another device with the excat same settings. And it also cannot be such an issue to change the license type of a same working decive like Quad Pro or Broadcast Pro. On Software side there is not a single difference in between these to clients .
Simple Backup setup:
easiest idea: main and backup IP adress in the inspector.
I don't want to setup a virtual site or a seperate decice just to have a backup machine to do the same thing like the main.
With the IP setting I could simply hook up a backup client into the main one with just a click.
Weird camera setup:
it gets very weird if you need to work with different cameras to send different chops of content to LED screens.
Same TV show like mentioned before:
Content is 3648 pixels by 600 pixels. A total of 6 outputs to different screens, but due to the setup I need to be able to colour adjust more chops of content that I have outputs. But I cannot cut the content down or drop onto different layers as I also need to adjust colour on the full content. The whole thing works with sub cameras and cropped sub layers, but as I cannot route multiple cameras into one output I need to route the camera back to a layer and combine these layers with another camera to be send to the output. Again, I'm happy to provide the showfile.
Toggle preview:
Yes, I can solve that with a view, but I would need to build several views to which takes a lot of time.
I do agree with Justyn. A lot of things in Pandoras Box are very complex, which is good on the one hand as it offers a lot of options. But it also kicks us out of a lot of shows as people do not undertsand how to work with it. There are a couple of higly skilled pros which are able to do almost evrything with PB, but the wide range of people are overwhelmed by the amount of options and the can get lost very fast. The problem is that in this case PB did not run the show as expected and most of the time the system will be blamed as this is the easiest part. And the more this happens the more jobs will move to other systems. And this is something to be very carefull with, if we all want to continue working a lot with PB.
It is not the first time that I point this out, but the users out there need more feature to simplify their life. Do not add more stuff people don't need or which are only used on a very few shows. Add features which improve the workflow and which are increasing programming speed on PB. This is the most important thing for a great future of a great product.