Pandoras Box and Audio

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Pandoras Box and Audio

Postby Dennis Kuypers » Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:55 pm

If you have a single machine that plays one video with embedded audio then you can use the Video layers without restrictions. If you plan to use multiple machines or if you have multiple clips that require sync use an ASIO device.

There are two ways to play back audio using Pandoras Box. DirectSound (video layer) or ASIO (audio track) where the latter should be the preferred way to go.

  • played back using a video layer
  • file formats: mp3, any video format with embedded audio (except HAP/HAPQ)
  • uses the default Windows audio device (configure routing in Windows)
  • can play mono, stereo and even 5.1 or 7.1 if the audio routing is correct and supports it
  • the files played back through DirectSound are not synced with any other media
  • video-audio sync is given within a single file, but not against other files playing

ASIO (preferred way)
  • uses audio tracks
  • requires a ASIO capable sound card (please do not use ASIO4ALL in production environments!)
  • you have to enable use audio clock as master in the ASIO configuration in Pandoras Box to get synced playback
  • only one machine can be the clock master
  • can not be mixed with an incoming SMPTE sync
  • plays back PCM WAVE files (.wav), mono and stereo
Dennis Kuypers
(former Product Developer, Software)
Dennis Kuypers
coolux Germany
Posts: 770
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:18 pm

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