Pandoras Box 8.6.0

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Pandoras Box 8.6.0

Postby Thomas Mrozek » Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:27 pm

Dear customers,

please find Pandoras Box V8.6.0 ready for download. ... 0/file-407

This release introduces some new features as well as some bug fixes.


Version 8.6.0 (01.07.2022)

- Miscellaneous
added: Frame synchronization of multiple outputs using Nvidia Frame Sync.
added: Native support of NotchLC video codec.
added: Browser tab to load websites inside the GUI using the WebView2 (Microsoft Edge) runtime.
added: Notes control in the inspector of various items.
added: Notes tab with rich text editor to create, import and export notes.

changed: Updated wxWidgets to Version 3.1.5.
changed: Advanced Import dialog can handle mov's now as image sequences. (ticket 8803)

fixed: Layer inspector does not flash through on clip selection. (ticket 8832)
fixed: Interaction layer can be selected in preview if mesh editing mode is used on virtual site. (ticket 8798)
fixed: No crash when aborting renaming a device tree item with ESC. (ticket 8824)
fixed: When a resource thumbnail is selected in the thumbnail browser the corresponding item in the project tree is selected. (ticket 8793)
fixed: Shared layer rendering works in conjunction with virtual sites. (ticket 8810)
fixed: Relative times of containers, keys and cues are kept when copy and pasting in sequence. (ticket 8856)

- Multi User:
fixed: Content is not spread between Managers if auto spread is disabled. (ticket 7804)

- Automation:
fixed: Command AutoRemoveSequence does not always remove the first sequence.
Thomas Mrozek
Product Manager
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Thomas Mrozek
Posts: 143
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:08 am

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