The TrackScan

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The TrackScan

Postby godbird » Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:21 am

How to use the TrackScan?Please give me a detailed description about

the node.
Best to give me a use case. thank you!

Best Regards!!
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Re: The TrackScan

Postby Daniel Kaminski » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:12 am

The Trackscan Node is the Input Node for the TrackScan Hardware.
The Trackscan Hardware is a Barcodepositioningsystem used to give precise Feedback of a Position of an Screen or an Object. It is a 2 Piece System: a) Barcode Laser b) special Barcodetape

One of the Main uses is a Screen on a track that has video on it and is moveable by hand or motor.
The Trackscan Node gives you the position of the screen so you can tell your server where to put the image.

Does that help and answer your question.

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Re: The TrackScan

Postby Julia Foest » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:35 am


as addition to Daniels reply and because you asked for this in your other post:
The TrackScan input node provides the integration of a Barcode scanner to read values in mm from 0 up to 2 km of distances.

Node Properties:

Choose the TrackScan COM Port to listen to.
Update: You do not need to set up an COM Port Connection in the Connection Manager!

The range defines the jump point of a maximum value back to zero.
The range is only important for rotating plattforms, to determine the index point. Enter the range in mm. This is only important for correct calculation of delta values when using as incremental length count.

The Node generates the following output:
- TrackScan Value,
- TrackScan Delta,
- TrackScan Byte 1,
- TrackScan Byte 2,
- TrackScan Byte 3.

As example for controlling a layer's X Position in PB you could use eg. the Trackscan as Input Node. The Range Node allows you to convert the TrackScan Data (like TrackScan value) to the correct X Position values for the Layer. As output you choose PBLayer Control, see example image below.

Best regards,
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Re: The TrackScan

Postby godbird » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:51 am

Much thanks for your answer!

Here is a frustrating problem on one of my important customers.
He have connected the Barcodetape to the WD,and created the COM Connection in Connection Manager.But ..when he move the Barcodetape on the Barcode Laser,nothing happened in the TrackScan node.
I have searched the help file,but found nothing helpful... could you give me some suggestions? Maybe I missed some key..
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Re: The TrackScan

Postby Julia Foest » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:08 am


you don't have to set up the COM-Connection in the Connection Manager. Just connect the TrackScan to the COM Port of your WD PC. In the Item Properties of TrackScan Input Node choose this COM Port from the list. Then it should work!

Best regards,

Just saw that I made a fault in previous post - corrected it! Sorry!
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Re: The TrackScan

Postby godbird » Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:28 am

Unfortunately, I have followed this practice since, TRACKSCAN still not work.
I suspect he may be a problem set of sensors, such as baud rate(he uses the 9600), Or communication protocol.
He told me that when the sensor connection is good, and connect the power supply. Sensor's laser beam will be issued, but after waiting a few seconds,the sensor's laser was disappeared.
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Re: The TrackScan

Postby Julia Foest » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:52 am

This post is continued on private mail.
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