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Postby kris_goubert » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:25 pm

Is there a pdf manual for the Widget Designer ? Would be very helpfull.

For a widescreen job : I do have 3 client pandora' s player STD. They are controlled by a Media Manager LT.
Do I put the widget designer on the Media Manager machine ?

I would like to give my customer to have the options to :
* start the players
* reboot the players
* shutdown the players
* have buttons for differtent cue's
* master fader.


Kris Goubert
Posts: 15
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Re: Manual

Postby lucken » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:19 pm

Yes, you can install the widget designer on the Manager Pc or on a seperate PC.
Start the Manager PC and start automatically Manager LT and Widget designer.
The Widget designer you can configure that it is always on top, so that it covers the manager window.
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Re: Manual

Postby Julia Foest » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:30 am

Hi Kris,

there will be a manual for the widget designer out soon!

Just some hints for setting up the Widget Designer:
For all system commands like booting, starting, shutdown etc. create custom script buttons.
To remote control the Players, please install the PB Menu software, downloadable here in the userforum: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=456.
Then you can use the system commands beginning with PB...

* start the players
a) use script WakeOnLan,'MacAddress' for booting the computers (see more information here: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=294&p=573&hilit=wake+on+lan#p573)
b) use script PBStartClient,'IP address' for each player to start the Client software

* reboot the players
use script PBReboot,'IP address' for each player you want to reboot

* shutdown the players
a) use script PBClose,'IP address' for each single player or just PBCloseAll to close all PB software
b) use script PBShutDown,'IP address' for each single player or PBShutDownAll to shutdown all computers running the PB Menu Software.

* have buttons for different cue's
* master fader.

If you have further questions, please ask!

Best regards,
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Re: Manual

Postby kris_goubert » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:47 pm

Hi Julia,

Thanks for your fast support. The PB Menu software : do I install this on the players or on the media managers of both ?
What does it do ? Does it make easier to use system commands ?


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Re: Manual

Postby Julia Foest » Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:09 pm

Hi Kris,

you install the PB Menu Software on the Players, and then put the PBMenu.exe (you will find it under C:/system/lcd menu) in your autostart folder, so that it starts with the system boot.
On your desktop you will get these buttons:

Using the PBMenu, all System Commands coming in from Widget Designer will work. You can also easily set up the revision you want to start when pressing the Client / Master Button (click on Service - Mode and choose the Rev.). It is a really nice tool, also for setting up output resolution and network.

Best regards,
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Re: Manual

Postby kris_goubert » Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:11 pm

Hi Julia,

That was very helpfull. Works smoothly.
If i use the commands : rebootAll, startsoftwareAll, ... works perfecty
If i want to manipulate only 1 machine, i use the IP adres, but that it doesn't work anymore. Any ideas ?


Kris Goubert
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Re: Manual

Postby kris_goubert » Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:54 pm

Found it !!

Remove the ' before and the ' after the IP !!

(thx luc/avl !)

Kris Goubert
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:55 pm

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